
Supplify Erpnext is based on the Frappe Framework, a full stack web framework based on Python, MariaDB, Redis, Node.

To intall Supplify Erpnext, you will have to install the Frappe Bench, the command-line, package manager and site manager for Frappe Framework. For more details, read the Bench README.

After you have installed Frappe Bench, go to you bench folder, which is frappe.bench by default and setup supplify_erpnext.

bench get-app supplify_erpnext {{ source_link }}

Then create a new site to install the app.

bench new-site mysite

This will create a new folder in your /sites directory and create a new database for this site.

Next, install supplify_erpnext in this site

bench --site mysite install-app supplify_erpnext

To run this locally, run

bench start

Fire up your browser and go to http://localhost:8000 and you should see the login screen. Login as Administrator and admin (or the password you set at the time of new-site) and you are set.